YouTube channels I'm subscribed to

Here's a list of channels I'm subscribed to. Channels I like more are closer to the top. Some don't post very often but have excellent older videos.

Channels about building stuff

More random channels

Stuff made here
Marius Hornberger
Rainfall Projects
Colin Furze
Mark Rober
Jeremy Fielding
I Like To Make Stuff
Wordsnwood (Art Mulder)
Jeremy Schmidt
Jimmy Diresta
Post Apocalyptic Inventor
Giaco Whatever
Matthias Burger
Pask Makes
Bellevue Woodshop
Cosmas Bauer
Alain Vaillancourt
Frank howarth
This Old Tony
The Homestead Craftsman
Peter Brown
Daniel Grundel
The Modern Home Project
Woodworking for Mere Mortals
Applied Science
Jay Bates
Rex Krueger
Matthew Cremona
Switch & Lever
Steven Zhang
Paul Elkins
Homemade Home
John Heisz
James Bruton
Laura Kampf
Dan Gelbart
Tim Hunkin
Chop With Chris
Izzy swan
Andrew Klein
John Hilgenberg
Jake von Slatt
Ken Schweim
Timothy Wilmots
Brian Oltrogge
krtwood etc
Brad Litwin
Mirock's Toolworks
J Mantzel
Way Out West workshop stuff
Primitive Technology
Scott Rumschlag
I Build It Scrap Bin

Science and computers

Technology Connections
CGP Grey
Tom Scott
Periodic Videos
Coffee Break
Machine Thinking
The 8-Bit Guy
8-Bit Show And Tell
Tech ingredients
Practical Engineering
Jeff Geerling
Cole The Cornstar
Beyond the press
Charley and Sarah
Fisher's Shop
Keith Newstead
Coolest Thing
Warped Perception
Stand-up Maths
Samy Kamkar
Synthesizer Keith
Dave Dugdale
Nico71's Lego Creations
LEGO wizard 2000
Akiyuki Brick Channel
Jeri Ellsworth
Prairie Farm Report
The Exploration

Older version of this list from Jan 2018. I still had a description of each channel then, now there are too many channels to do all that. But if you want a description of the channels, use this list.

Matthias Burger German guy, in english. Lots of old machines and big timber!
John Heisz(website) Builds machines. More technical approach.
Marius Hornberger (Instagram) A young German guy (in english). Builds his own machines.
Wintergatan (Instagram) A musician who built a totally amazing musical marble machine
Bellevue workshop (Website) Lots of interesting tool builds
Jeremy Schmidt (Instagram) Likes to build tools and machines
Frank Howarth (Instagram) Very elaborate and beautifully crafted projects, nicely filmed
Simon Heslop Builds machines, well engineered.
The geek pub (website) Woodworking and electronics
Cosmas Bauer (Instagram) Builds various homemade machines, fairly technical. A German guy, but in English.
April Wilkerson (Instagram) Decorative projects and big outdoor projects
krtwood (Instagram) Makes a living selling stuff on Etsy
Mirok's workshop (Instagram) A Ukrainian. Projects quite mechanical and ingenious.
Laura Kampf (Instagram) A german artist/maker.
Jeremy Fielding Homemade machines mostly from salvaged parts
Peter Brown (Instagram) Shop time - a geek with a full set of power tools
Bob Clagett (website) Woodworking and high tech related projects.
Homestead craftsman (Instagram) Builds a lot of farm tables, and house renovations
Scott Rumschlag (website)Expanding round table and other mechanical wooden projects
Words N wood (Instagram) Art's woodworking scrapbook
Ben Brandt (Instagram) Science-y Woodworking and electronics
Alain Vaillancourt Big and heavy things made from hardwoods.
Steve Zhang A chinese student, building woodworking jigs and machines.
Shop built (website) Homemade workshop and tools
Get hands dirty (Instagram) Another female woodworker, woodworks in her apartment.
Chop with Chris (Instagram) Projects from logs, with no power tools, but lots of axes.
Jay Bates (jaybates86) Lots of handtool projects.
Mike and Lauren (Instagram) Woodworking, and personal finance
Izzy Swan (Instagram) A lot of mechanical projects. Cool, but not necessarily useful.
Homemade modern (website) Projects for hipsters, using wood and concrete
Darbin Orvar (Instagram) Girl in a Shop adventures in woodworking
David Picciuto (Instagram) Mostly simpler "fine woodworking" type projects
Matt Cremona (Instagram) Fine woodworking, and about milling lumber
Four eyes woodworking Very original furniture designs
DIY tyler (Instagram) Workshop projects
Steve Carmichael (website) Original, quick and easy projects
Tim Sway(website) Woodowrking with mostly reclaimed material, and other DIY.
Cy's Corner Mostly crafty decorative projects. Very enthusiastic.
Nick Ferry Woodworking. Likes to use pocket holes.
Canadian woodworks (Instagram) Makes hardwood furniture for a living (mostly Instagram)
Jon Peters Art & Home Various woodworking projects
Cactus workshop Cheap tools, artistic woodworking
Toolify (Instagram) Mechanical projects
Jord's woodshop An Australian, doing custom woodwork
Adventures in DIY DIY projects, mostly woodworking
The samurai carpenter big shop, lots of work on his home
Timothy Wilmots Professional woodworker in Belgium, very nice workshop and projects
Flowering Elbow Make, hack and upcycled tools, furniture, etc
Wayne Mclellan A cabinet maker, poor video production but some original ideas.
Steve Ramsey (website) Mostly easy projects anyone can build.
Ron Paulk A homebuilding contractor, making videos
Let's bastel German language DIY channel, daily videos
Stephan Pöhnlein  Stumpy nubs workshop  Savvas Pasavva  Paoson Woodworking 
Paul Jenkins  Trevor's workshop  Peter Collin  This Woodwork  Crafted workshop  Garage woodworks 
Jack Houweling  Dominic's Woodworks  Ron Walters  Woodworkweb  Woodbrew  MonkWerks 

More favourite builders of stuff, not really woodworking

Rainfall projects (Instagram) Metal projects, lots of welding, fixing and modifying farm machinery
Colin Furze (Instagram) A crazy builder of crazy contraptions (all metal though). Fun to watch!
ThisOldTony Machining and metalworking. Very thorough approach.
Primitve technology Primitive huts and tools from scratch (all from nature, stone tools)
ElectroBOOM Electronics experiments. Lots of sparks and mishaps. Very funny!
Switch and Lever (Instagram) Interesting mechanical projects, mostly from metal.
Applied Science Ben Krasnov doing all kinds of advanced science experiments in his shop
Practical engineering (Instagram) Civil engineering, and science projects
Jörg Sprave About slingshots. Jörg Likes to build stuff that shoots projectiles
Clickspring(website) home machining and clock making
The 8-bit Guy Old computers, Retro computing
Paul Elkins Human powered transport, small boats, mobile shelters
Cody's lab Chemistry experiments, mining, refining precious metals
WayOutWest Blowinblog Country living and tinkering
Jeremy Mantzel A guy living in Panama, lots of boats and domes hacked together from fiberglass
Mick Make Reviewing lots of little single board computers, similar to Arduinos and Raspberry Pis
Tim Hunkin Lots of interesting mechanical contraptions
Post apocalyptic inventor Science, engineering, and electronics.
Make it extreme Lots of mechanical hacks and machines, from metal.
The hacksmith (Instagram) Lots of trying to make superhero stuff real (a Colin Furze wannabe)

Politics: Jordan Peterson, Bret Weinstin, Eric Weinstein, John Stossel

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