Ryszard's workshop and projects
Ryszard writes:
Hello Matthias,
For the last two years I have been regularly visiting your website and I
am trying to read your articles. The trouble I have got is that I do not
know English, however the pictures and drawings are clear enough for me
and recently I have been using the ‘Google Chrome’ translator. Sometimes
it creates strange blends of words, on occasions even funny. Regardless, I
have been guessing the content quite easily
I live in Poland, I am not a carpenter but an amateur DYI enthusiast. I
am retired and I have quite a lot of time to use inspirations taken from
the analysis and designs of your machines.
Matthias comments:
You can also use Google Translator in any browser.
For example, woodgars.ca
translated to Polish or
Google Translator is an excellent resource. People often email me in Spanish,
and I wouldn't be able to answer without it.
It works quite well with Spanish, if only it worked a little better on Portuguese.
After my retirement, I have started some home-made design and
for my garden and for my new house. Pergolas, trellises, plant stands,
outdoor furniture, fireplace and barbecue spots, woodsheds for storing
fireplace wood. Later, I started doing more complicated jobs: balcony
balustrades, bookcases and furniture. For most of these jobs some basic
tools have been sufficient; additionally, I bought a miter saw, very
helpful in garden designs.
I got to like this occupation; I bought some more hand-held power tools.
I have made very many helpful tools and ( based on the photos of
woodworking machinery from your website in 2011) I made a
10" bandsaw
It is much smaller than your 14” and
16” bandsaw, but very similar. I
attach few photos. It is smaller since at the beginning I was not sure
whether I was going to make it. I had a relatively small electric motor
250 W and I did not want to spend too much money. I also have smaller
needs to use it for. I made a frame of spruce timber wood, 18mm thick, lap
glued like on your photos, plywood wheels of a diameter 250mm, 19mm
thick, few elements made of oak and beech wood blocks, and a plywood case.
The table does not tilt and it does not have a cut height adjustment,
the blade guides are at fixed height, one can only adjust their
horizontal position.
I had been eager to finish the build and to try the saw,
and all worked well! After adjusting the saw, I cut few wooden slats
and I decided to cut the reindeer based on your design using my saw -
it came out fantastic and I was incredibly happy. The cut reindeers went
to our neighbour's 5-year-old granddaughters and they were happy, too.
The saw was very helpful in creating many jobs i.e. wooden Nativity
Scenes cribs. As a Christmas present I cut a horse-knight
for my nephew (56cm height), the armour is cut of beer cans, the knight’s dress
and the horse’s harness is made of fake skin taken off old notebooks,
and the horse’s mane is made of pieces cut out of an old wig. The children
were happy with the Christmas gifts and I was happy with my work.
I started to make more complex projects,
however before that I had
to make my wood workshop equipment.
Since the wood workshop is based in
a garage, all machines had to be compact and all-purpose. I welded the
workbench out of 40 mm steel try squares, the table top is made of two
layers of 18mm plywood . The mobile tool bases workbench is wheeled and
rests on a locked frame, based on your design.
Depending on the need, the miter saw with work supports is placed on the work
surface, a joiner planer, or a 12” disk sander - also hand-made.
The disk sander is powered by a
three phase electric motor - 750 W 1450 rpm; it is a
collar motor that was easy and inexpensive to buy in parts (dismantled);
During the work your pictures
were really helpful, on the photo you can
see a home- made router table: 1500 W 6/8/12 mm 27000 rpm; to decrease
the spending, I only bought the spare electric motor on the exchange, and
to make the router lift I used a spare universal press.
Recently, I have made a big, solid vise of thick ash boards- a mobile
jaw is covered with coarse skin (photos attached). The inspiration is a
tool presented at:
While I work, the table
stays in the middle of the garage, it is heavy and stable. After
configuring the machines for specific jobs, they are easy to access
from each side. The table has power sockets for all the machines,
including hand-held power tools. This way I can avoid cables tangling
while I work.

The configuration and size of the workshop equipment allow me to
rearrange it after working, for the car to fit in the garage easily
(see photo). You can easily notice that inspirations from your
solutions are everywhere; I had to adapt it to my needs. The
machines/devices and tools have to be very mobile, their size has to be
suited to the space - since the room is a garage and I have to drive the
car in there every day.
I am fascinated with woodwork, and I make more and more complex and
serious designs: a case for a 150 year-old clock for my neighbour,
furniture of the ash wood, a dressing table with traditional,
wardrobe lighting, an oak stairway, a RTV table, and recently a fold-out
2-leg table to complement remaining old furniture.
I have few further designs outstanding.
Thank you, Matthias, for creating a great, inspiring website - I wish you
all the best and many successful designs,
As you can see, even the colours of the machines are similar to yours-
this is in your honour to say thank you for the inspiration and
instructing articles.
Matthias comments:
Love all your projects and pictures. I included all the other pictures
you sent under the pictures below.
More pictures of Ryszards projects and machines:
More reader projects on woodgears.ca