80-year old Nancy Franks emailed me about the marble machine she built,
also sent a video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BFP4PYC0ojA) . Such a
nice story!
Nancy writes:
Hi, Matthias,
I just want to thank you for those marvelously detailed and ingenious plans!
I used them all - the drawings, the videos and the sketchUp model, which
I found particularly helpful when I wasn’t too clear on what the various
parts looked like and could isolate them and rotate them for a better
view. My husband was sure it was never going to work, but by the time I
was about half finished he was playing with it. It is for my 5 year old
grandson - who is going to love it (his parents probably not so much!)
I feel I probably have the distinction of being the oldest woman to make
one - I am 80 - and I may have it in me to make the Marble Machine 3 for
my grandson when he is a little older.