Gear template generatorAlso available in French and Spanish
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Some notes about gear design and this gear template generatorThis template generator is intended for generating paper templates for cutting low precision gears from plywood, phenolic, or other suitable materials with a band saw.
The gear tooth generation is not perfect. Normally, one rounds the tips of gear teeth a little bit, which this program doesn't do. Also, for gears with less than about 10 teeth, and low tooth angles, it's sometimes necessary to narrow the teeth at the base (undercut) or to alter the geometry (profile shifts). So some combinations with gears of small numbers of teeth may overlap, or jam if they were real. You can check to see if the gears would overlap by selecting the 'animate' and 'two gears' checkboxes for your gears and watching them turn. My non-free gear program will automatically calculate the necessary undercut to make the gears mesh.
Ring gear / planetary motion gears
Rack and pinion gearing The involute shape of gears is very important for gears that run at high speed. However, for wooden gears, it really doesn't matter very much. Even if you don't cut the gears with an involute shape, the template generator is still useful as a form of protractor using the "dividing plate mode" for dividing the circle into even intervals. For an example of a different method of cutting gears, see my Wooden gear cutting jig
Printing the gear templates My downloadable gear generator program that I have for sale doesn't need the scale calibration, and can paginate across many pages for larger gears. I recommend ink jet printers over laser printers for printing gear templates. The fine colour registration requirements of ink jet print heads forces the printer makers to make sure that the image is not stretched or compressed in either direction. With laser printers, a stretch does not cause registration problems, so some laser printer output is sometimes stretched by as much as a percent in one axis. Its best to check that the diameter is consistent along the vertical, horizontal, and diagonal to be sure there is no distortion.
I also used my gear template generator for the gears of my screw advance box joint jig Also check out my Wood gear cutting jig. I have to admit though that I have not used this jig since writing this gear template generator.