Hector's homemade format-style table saw

Hector first emailed me about his homemade tablesaw in 2011. Later that year he converted it to use a riving knife. Now (2014) he has upgraded it to a format-style table saw, with a sliding table and outrigger.

For more details and documentation about the sliding table, see Hector's dropbox account. He has documents on:

  • Sliding table
  • Outrigger table
  • Crosscut guide
  • Blade guard

    English version: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/w132d7abi4e32qs/AABabarRDBy4_FcJQP4DNcPSa

    Spanish version: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/dvt423mjlfdy7tp/AAD1aomOgPmmzV0TOTe0Ezala

    You can contact Hector Acevedo at: