Table saw dovetail jigs plans
The table saw dovetail pins and tails jigs are designed to
cut through-dovetail joints on your table saw with great repeatability.
The jigs can handle dovetail joints ranging from much smaller to much larger
than is possible with router based dovetail jigs.
The plans include:
- Detailed drawings of every part of the pins and tails jigs
- Dimensioned 3D views and assembly drawings
- Full-scale 1:1 drawings of all parts, so you can
just paste them onto the wood instaed of making measurements.
- Detailed instructions on how to build it,
with over 100 photos
- Materials and hardware list
- A SketchUp model of the jigs, which allows you to view them from any angle, disassemble
it, or regenerate each of the views in the plans by clicking on the 'scene' tabs in SketchUp.
More about this dovetail jig
The plans include printable 1:1 cutting templates to simplify construction
See the specifications
See what's in the plans
The plans are in metric units, except for drill and dowel sizes, which are in imperial units.
You can generate plans in imperial units simply by changing the units to "imperial" in SketchUp under
"model info", but the units will not work out to even numbers like they do in metric.
Please also consider these important safety notes
Cost: $10 USD or equivalent in your currency
On payment, you will be able to download your plans immediately.
The plans are a 9 megabyte zip file (your computer, Mac or PC, already knows how to open zip files)
If you encounter any problems with the download link or email, feel free to contact me at: