Dave Tenney's box joint jig

Dave Tenney writes:

I finished making 3 of these jigs yesterday (one of them for work)

They make a great gift for a child ;)

Some projects made with the box joint jig:

Left: a lectern     Below: candy dish

More about box joints:

More jigs by Dave Tenney

After building three of the box joint jig, Dave also built three of the tenon jig

Dave says about the jigs:

I got these finished up today. They are a bit more challenging than the box joint jigs.

I made a template for the on I am keeping and here's a picture of a joint I cut with it.

After building three box joint jigs and three tenon jigs in 2014, Dave also built three tilting router lifts in 2015.

Dave Tenney made a video reviewing the homemade machines he built based on woodgears.ca plans. The embedded vido at left is qued to where he talks about the tenon jig, then about he box joint jig.
See also:

Dave Tenney on
making tenon templates

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