Every once in a while, I shoot a video just talking about stuff, and I figured
I had enough miscellaneous stuff for that again. For those who can't watch
the video, or want a bit more detail, here's more on
what I talked about in the video:
I have been approached about sponsorships quite a number of times
recently. I'm not entirely opposed to sponsored videos, but so far,
I have not come across an offer that I wanted to do. Thinking in terms
of the audio book people, or the mattress people, both of these would
pay handsomely, but would require me to say a whole bunch of things that
I don't fully agree with. The free audio book is only free if, once you sign
up, you remember to cancel after the trial period. So I wouldn't exactly
call that a free audio book. I'd be fine with describing the trial as what
it is, but not something else.
The mattress people - way too much needs to be said about how good the mattress
is and whatever kind of foam. It would add over a minute of stuff to the video
that really has nothing to do with what the video is actually about, and I
work hard at removing unnecessary scenes from a video.
But the part I really have issue with is claiming
that it's a good deal at $800 or $900 US. I paid less than half as much for
the queen size mattress we have, and I'm quite happy with it.
Osage orange wood
A few months ago, Jake Smith emailed me with the subject line
"Trade lumber for exposure?". He sells osage orange wood online.
I originally declined, but then curiosity got the better of me. Osage orange
is a very dense and hard wood that grows in parts of the southern United States,
and is in some ways considered a weed. I thought I'd do some hardness testing
on it, and maybe use it for machine parts. But it's been months, and I haven't
done anything with it. So far, I have only ever used exotic wood for making
bandsaw guide blocks,
runners for my
small table saw sled, and wooden rings.
but I thought I should at least do some
hardness tests on it and mention it. It is a quite hard wood compared to
oak, and about on par with white ash. The average divot depth from dropping
a #2 Robertson screwdriver on it from 1.8 meters was about 0.025"
If you want to buy some osage orange wood, his contact information
is jake9282 @ wind stream. net (remove the spaces from the address
to make it work).
Pocket holes
If you read my articles or watch my videos, I'm sure you already know that I'm
no fan of pocket holes.
They do have their uses, but one shouldn't rely on them exclusively.
But was thinking, what is the opposite of pocket hole joinery. Mortise and tenon
or dowel joinery might qualify. But then was thinking, woodworkers who use
pocket holes rarely have jointers, and woodworkers with jointers rarely use pocket
holes. Both tools sort of define your approach to woodworking. Pocket holes are
about using a lot of plywood and working quickly. Jointers are about starting
with raw lumber and getting things all precise and straight before proceeding.
Woodworkers who use pocket holes certainly get things done more quickly, but it
isn't as strong and doesn't look as nice as stuff made more traditionally.
Saving plywood
Like many woodworkers, I end up with a stash of plywood offcuts that I keep
for projects that need something about that size. The traditional thing to do
when you have a larger piece of plywood (say 1.5 x 1.2 meters) and need something
that is 0.3 x 0.5 meters, is to cut 0.3 meters off the narrow edge, and then
cut the piece out of that. The problem is, depending on what size piece
I may need next, it may be more optimal to cut the piece off in
different ways. So what I started doing is to just cut a corner out of the plywood
for what I need, leaving an L-shaped or odd shaped remainder. That way I'm more
likely to be able to get what I need out of it later. The other advantage is that it
keeps my plywood of a certain type in once piece, which means I
don't have to go looking for separate scraps. The main downside is that
it can be difficult to cut a corner out of a sheet. If it's a smaller piece
I need, I can cut it on the bandsaw. For larger pieces I cut it on the table saw,
turning off the motor once I have cut partway in.
Announcing baby Harriet
I have gotten comments from time to time asking me to do another project
with Rachel. But Rachel has been somewhat
preoccupied with our baby project. First with a lot of morning sickness, then
complications towards the end of the pregnancy. Rachel's water broke
early, though she managed to keep the baby in for another four weeks,
bringing her almost to term.
It's all been terribly worrisome and risky, so we figured
(like Russians only announcing a space mission after the astronauts
returned safely to earth) we'd wait till the baby is safe at home before
announcing it too broadly. She was born August 1 2015, finally home August 12, and
I put her in a video before we even took her out of the car seat!