Alois 's bandsaw construction
This article also available in German.
Alois writes:
Hello Matthias ,
Thank you for your work providing such wonderful
plans for the band saw
Here are some pictures from the build of my band saws.
When I started my build, two friends asked if they could get
one too. After asking you, the answer was: No problem.
I would like to thank you for that too.
Here are the rough cut-boards, cut according to your cut list.
With so many chips from jointing and planing I had to
attach an additional chip bag to my dust collector. So much
at once is too much for my briquette press.
To cut the wedges I made a guide. Just piece of plywood cut at an angle.
With it, I could cut the wedges without adjusting the angle of the fence.
To glue the parts, I printed a plan at 1:1 scale and
glued it to plywood. This made assembling all the pieces easy.
After gluing, flatness was adequate, but I
flattened it some more in
my thickness sander (drum sander).
After sanding, I trued the frame on the planer and
table saw as much as possible.
Since I don't have a decent hand plane, I made
a sanding block and used that to ensure that all front faces
were at the right angle.
The round part of the clamping plates were shaped on
the disk sander, rotating around on the peg.
I made a holder out of wood for cutting the other side on
the table saw.
The holes for the ball bearings were cut with the router
and a template. The fit for the bearings was super, but
it wasn't close enough to the center for me.
That is why I used the bearing itself as a reference when cutting
the faces and rounding the corners.
I turned a centering pin on the lathe to center the
first bearing.
The second bearing is aligned with the dial indicator.
I really liked the angle indicator on
Mikiono's bandsaw.
The recess for the table insert is cut with two pieces
of plywood as a guide.
Progress so far.
I bought the motors from a friend, at a good price.
This required each motor to be fitted individually.
"Going green." I almost ran out of room in my workshop.
It was too cold to paint outside.
All three band saws are done and run just great.
I still need to order more blades and do more testing.
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