About motors and how they work
How DC motors work
How AC (induction)
motors work
Reversing single phase induction motors
Where do you get your motors from?
wet rotor synchronous motor
Rewiring a motor from 240 and 120 volts
Figuring out a mystery motor
building a starting switch (2019)
Wiring up and reusing a clothes dryer motor
Washer motor wiring for reuse in projects
Brushless DC motor, and a dumb way to drive it
Motorizing the apple grinder
Motorizing the bandsaw
Oiling a noisy shopvac motor
Fixing seized oscillating fan motor
Motorizing a hand-cranked coffee grinder
Closed loop stepper motors -- very impressive
Industrial servo motor marble catapult
Servo vs. steppers: Speed, Torque and Accuracy
What does a PID controller do?
Stepper motor mictostepping
See also:
Building a dust collector blower
A relay box to turn on my dust collector
Measuring RPM with a spectrum analyzer app
Dynamic balancing with a scope and speaker
How crowned pulleys keep a flat belt tracking
Baby rocking machine
Making a simple remote switch
Installing a 240 volt circuit
Blower design experiments
Solenoid engine
Restoring the wiper motor powered forklift toy
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