Tech related articles on
Closed loop stepper motors -- very impressive
Industrial servo motor marble catapult
Servo vs. steppers: Speed, Torque and Accuracy
What does a PID controller do?
Magnetic encoder vs stepper motor accuracy
Linear position with a rotary magnetic encoder
High-tech automatic Infrared heater aimer
Stepper mictostepping and controlling from Raspberry Pi
This laptop has no brain (Raspberry Pi laptop)
Solar panning camera build and eclipse shenanigans
Computer controlled cap shooter aimer
Squirrel shooter fail
Ultrasonic distance sensor as oil level gauge
Anemometer interface for Raspberry Pi
Working out optimal fan placement to vent out the house
Homemade benchtop
power supply
(built 1987)
The cheapest USB scope I could find
Rigol DS1202 Z-E oscilloscope review
Fnirsi-1014D vs Rigol DS1202Z-E
Hanmatek DOS1104: Good budget scope but frustrating at times
LRC-ST1: Cool measuring gadget but lousy tweezers
Gochifix 3 in 1 scope meter review
What's inside a Sonicare toothbrush
Braun hand mixer speed control fix
Infrared heater: How warm does it feel
Wifi antenna
booster dish
Build a better mouse trap using video surveillance
Mouse gap squeezer teaser machine
Wooden computer case
Eyeballing game
Computer controlled
box joint jig
How DC motors and universal motors work
How induction motors work
Wet rotor synchronous dishwasher motor
Figuring out a mystery motor
Brushless DC motor analysis
Measure R-values with infrared thermometer
Dehumidifiers moisture and vapour barriers - experiments
Does dusting out a fridge reduce power?
How efficient is a refrigerator heat pump?
What I have been up to lately
Drill battery powered LED worklight
Using the second (I2C 0) port on Raspberry Pi
Raspberry pi computer camera holder
My imgcomp motion triggered timelapse software
Raspberry Pi power over ethernet and mount it outside
Headless Raspberry Pi blink assigned IP address
Inductive current measuring using Raspbery Pi
Interfacing cheap digital calipers to Raspberry Pi
Small signal high noise and dealing with it
Connecting SHAHE linear encoder to Raspberry Pi
Clip leads made with fake wires
Pi pico therapy timer, C vs. MicroPython
Wirelessly Tx 49 mhz toy with I/O line flipping
Programming Pi Pico in C — Microwave oven monitor
Our electrical is all wobbly, measuring power is hard
How badly do you get zapped before you trip a GFI?
Inverters don't like power tools
Amateur iPad screen replacement
Two inverters in series to make 240 volts
Transformer core saturation and imbalance
Let the microwaves be free
Anemometer calib-ration for low wind speeds
Hack to ensure glue gun get unplugged
Physics related articles
Some of my older technical hacks
To my